About Us – Sustainability



At BPPLAS, sustainability has been an integral part of our vision, mission and strategies. We believe that it is imperative to continue the works on driving social, environmental and economic sustainability and to support the initiatives of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”).

We aim to deliver strong financial performance and enhanced stakeholder values over the longer term, whilst maintaining our obligations to conduct business in a socially and environmentally responsible manner, and contributing towards a circular economy.


We have been continuously pushing the initiatives and efforts on sustainability awareness in every aspect of our business, from procurement, production, people and workplace until the output, and strive to make a positive impact to our communities and the environment.



Innovation & Development

We currently occupy 11 blocks of factory premises at two sites, both located in Sri Gading Industrial Estate in Batu Pahat, Johor, with a total built-up areas of around 360,000 square feet, and are equipped with more than 80 units of production machineries.

With continuous investments into machine advancement and processing technology, coupled with the renewable energy efficiency contribution, BPPLAS has been focusing on sustainable developments in improved product design and innovative solutions. Meanwhile, we engage and work closely with trusted and reliable suppliers and logistic partners worldwide to ensure efficient supply chain of good quality resins to our production.

As an ISO 9001:2008-certified company, our Quality Policy implements a quality assurance system with a chain of functional actions right from receiving the raw materials until the delivery of end-product to customers, and an ongoing improvement plan to monitor equipment performance and product quality.


Environmental, Health & Safety

Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) has always been a top priority at work. We strongly believe that health and safety is an integral part of our daily business operations and work culture.

Certified under ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management) and ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health & Safety Management), and with EHS policy and objectives implemented, we are committed to provide a safe and conducive working environment and facilities for all our employees and any external parties (e.g. contractors, suppliers and visitors) who visit our factory premises.

We are pursuing towards zero accidents, zero fatalities goal, and to reduce the number of lost man-days rate within our workplace.

In addition, since the outbreak of COVID-19 in Malaysia in 2020, we have implemented strict SOPs with preventive measures and safety protocols to to ensure the health and safety of our people.



Conservation & Renewable Sources

Our focus in energy efficiency management is to conserve and reduce consumption of energy throughout our production and processes.

We constantly monitor the use and installation of heaters, chillers and compressors for the current or additional machinery and equipment, to ensure optimum levels of energy consumptions and consistent effectiveness of equipment.

In September 2019, we installed the solar panels on the roof of our factories to substitute partial of our energy consumption towards green energy (“renewable energy”) and reduce total energy consumption. This is in line with the objective to play our part in climate change mitigation by reducing greenhouse gas emission in the atmosphere.


Equality, Inclusion and Education

In BPPLAS, our values are built around our people, which we believe integrity, teamwork, passion, discipline is developed on mutual understanding, respect, as well as employee satisfaction, on-job knowledge and training.​

Employees are the greatest assets of our company and the key driver of growth. Therefore, we recognize the importance of making sure our people’s welfare are taken care and that they are working collaboratively towards aligned personal, team and organizational goals. As we expand progressively, we continuously investing and developing our employees’ skills and knowledge, helping them to achieve their individual and departmental objectives.

We are an employer that values equality; we are constantly committed to provide fair and equal opportunities to our people, and nurturing diversity within the company.



Recycle, Reuse and Reduce (3Rs)

We embrace Reduce, Reuse and Recycle (3Rs) in our core operations, and strongly believe that through this, we can do a part helping to extend and prolong the precious natural resources for the use of future generations. We have an effective recycle management system to reprocess and reclaim our internally generated plastics wastes, rejects and scraps. Further, the recycled materials can be reused as raw materials for suitable industrial packaging film application and consequently reduce consumption of virgin raw materials. We are committed to minimise our wastes, rejects and scraps footprint and also in support of the concept of circular economy.

Certified with ISO 14001: 2015 (Environment management), we are committed to operate under stringent international environment framework. We ensure that all residual scheduled waste are properly stored and disposed by responsible licensed contractors, and also urge our stakeholders to supply non-hazardous product to mitigate environmental contamination.


Support to Local Communities

We have always been cognisant of our role in supporting the development of the communities in which we operate. We believe that the welfare of local communities is crucial to the continued success of our business.

Since 2010, every year, we have been consistently organizing annual blood donation campaigns, doing our part to support the National Blood Bank.

In addition, over the years, our community involvement ranged from providing industrial training (internship) programmes, financial donations to charities, as well as donations of recycle bins in line with our objective to educate and encourage recycling.
